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Blue Skies

Young Siblings


It’s important to support young siblings!

There are several ways to provide support to young siblings, especially Sibshops. 

What are SibShops?

The Sibling Support Project describes Sibshops this way:

Sibshops are pedal-to-the-metal celebrations of the many contributions made by brothers and sisters of kids with disabilities.

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Sibshops acknowledge that being the brother or sister of a person with disabilities is for some a good thing, others a not-so-good thing, and for many, somewhere in-between. They reflect a belief that brothers and sisters have much to offer one another — if they are given a chance.


Sibshops are peer gatherings that include open and lively conversations, recreational and educational activities which gives the siblings a chance to meet with other kids their age with similar family dynamics.

Sibling Support Project offers training to become a Sibshop facilitators. Each time individuals in Illinois receive training to become facilitators they bring back these easy to implement programs to their agencies and neighborhoods. And as a result, more families in Illinois receive this much-needed support.

For additional parenting resources for children with intellectual and developmental needs, visit the Courageous Parents Network.

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Book Reading


My Brother Charlie

by Holly Robinson Peete


Charlie is an amazing individual with unique talents and challenges. Despite struggling with making friends, expressing emotions, and staying safe due to his autism, he has a wealth of knowledge about American presidents, airplanes, and exceptional piano skills. Holly Robinson Peete, a renowned actress and national autism spokesperson, along with her daughter, wrote an inspiring book based on their personal experiences with Holly's 10-year-old son, who also has autism.


Luna, Yes!/Luna, ¡Sí!

Written by Jessica Gonzalez
Read by Jessica Gonzales

The beautiful book "Luna, Yes!/¡Luna, Sí!" heartwarmingly depicts the unique bond between siblings Cassie and Luna, showcasing their complex yet affectionate relationship. Through Cassie's perspective and Luna's reactions, the book enlightens readers on the common traits exhibited by individuals with special needs on the autism spectrum.

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Why Is He So Special?

Written by Kathleen Spale

Read by Kathleen Spale

"Why Is He So Special" shares the story of a young girl living with her brother who has unique needs, highlighting the importance of compassion and understanding for those who may be different from us.

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My Sister

Written by Chet Alexander 

Illustrated by Lindee Jackson

Read by Lindee Jackson

"Shortly after our daughter was born, we started looking ahead to the day she’d have questions about her Aunt Lauren—or someone else she’d meet who had Down Syndrome. It occurred to us that most kids don’t have a family member like Lauren, and so they might never have this sort of talk. 'There should be a children’s book about this,' we said. So we decided to write one."

This website is supported by the Sibling Leadership Network in partnership with Supporting Illinois Brothers and Sisters with an investment from the Illinois Council on Developmental Disabilities.

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